Friday, December 28, 2012

time to cech up on my blog. i have been doing a lot.the day athter cristmas mom sied i got to have a sleep over with my best friend. i got to wack  Brave{for the people how didint wack it its the best!}
the nest day

time to do good things for god


Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Time to Spread Christmas Cheer....

Today I opened many gifts and had a lot of fun.  My message is that it is not about all the gifts.  It is really about God.  Santa's real name is Saint Nick and he gave money to the poor.  That is how Santa knows if you are good or not. 

Today I decided to sing a new song I wrote for those who I love.  The song is called: "You are my favorite!"

 I got a new bible this year and it is the best gift ever. ♥

God loved the world so much that he gave his only son.  ~John 3:16 

This verse tells us that he loves us even when we mess up.  God is our ever loving father in heaven, waiting for us to come home to him.

I want you to take time to do something nice for someone you love, spread God's love. 
He loves you!
