Saturday, December 29, 2018

hey guys

so I know I haven't written in a while...
but things are changing really fast.
as you know I said in one of my post I was 13 well 2 years makes me 15.
and I am living a 15 life.
I'm actually in a public high school!
haft homeschooled  haft regular school.
I've had a lot happen, ( hade my first kiss, got back into karate, my karate karate instructor  died  with no reason , (bless his heart) I also knew him more than just a karate instructor but that's for another story) but the main thing is I cant help remembering my old friends.
I know there still out there.
I have lots of old friends that I'm not able to contact.... for whatever reason...
but I'm not sure if they remember me
so I wrote a song about it.
Song= do you remember me ...
Do you remember me, the black haired girl with hazel eyes?
Do you remember me, the one that never ever cried?
When the world got her down, she never seemed to frown?
Do you,Do you remember me?

I still remember you , and everything we used to do.
When you let me play with you, and you hang out with me when I was new.
You stood by my side, that's what good friends reside.
How is your little sister, is she still annoying you?
how is your little brother. is he still a young boy too!
I'm pretty sure what I used to know it's pretty long since gone but the memories we should still go on and on?
I've changed a lot That Girl You Used To Know That smiling little girl has changed a lot in what you used to seeing oh
I bet you've changed to but it mean friendships don't last. does  that mean that we're not still friends. that im just a memory?

I know it got a bit sloppy but I really miss you all so if any of you can see this plz response I miss all of you guys as always
may God bless you. and may he keep you safe...
❤ Luna

Friday, April 21, 2017

hi new and BIG newsπŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–❤❤❤❤

my aunt had her 2nd kid ,i am so blessed by what He has given me 
ok so i'm am super excited for the new week and when i was thinking on the computer i thought "hey, luna how about updating on your blog?!" ok me so here i am

so i have rats now ( sooooooooooooo cute)->
and little sugar 
 she had a tumor and thank God that we got it out she is all ok now but the day after we got her back she took off her cast we drove straight to the hospital or veterinarians 
she had pushed her way out sometime we can push away from God and realize the hard ( and hurtful) way back to Him( suger  had  open the wounds  little bits of blood came out) and after it we laugh as we heal 
i also have a few sayings( and things to keep in heart)i want to share, here are 3 of them.

1.Life is not fair.... so you MUST be fair to it! (it=Life)
2. like God Son is the Sun and i am the moon and  the earth is bathed in the darkness.   i will be a light unto the world shining His glory and peace so other may find hope and shine when i am gone and darknesses power fall away 
3. a complement a day, keeps the grumps at bay!

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Lawn mower&life

Hey guys i learned to mow the lawn with grass cutter and i was not sure how to do it at first.
Dad made a path, i had to follow it  i did not understand and i got scared and did it my way. 
i ended up having a choppy line of grass that i had made 
i felt so bad then mom came and explained it better  i got it 
i did it mom and dad where amazed and proud and i was too
its sorta like all of Christens walk 
at first we all like no way  not gonna follow then you do someone showed you the light 
but for me well 
i have always been Christen and a bit friendly if you had happen to have a girl with black hair and freckles complement you its likely me.
i am am  13 now and i use to love standing out i still do but sometimes i hide.
 I have big dreams but i hold them back  and mostly complementing others on the good they have makes me feel better knowing that i spreed a little of Gods love everywhere i go
Some say i am too friendly and i am not too sure  

please pray for me in my troubled times and God be with you 



Friday, December 12, 2014

ask me

 hi people and teens I have been giving good cheer and now I can share my love with Gods wisdom with you
I just love to help people. type me a Questions and boom Answers from me.
 I got one from a friend today

dear friend
I have a big problem
I am a tomboy
Back in the past I wanted to play with boys but no one let me in but one guy
And I hade a crush on him.
Soon I moved and it kept happening
What if I have a crush on every nice boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

your friend

ok listen she made me promise not to say her name and I will not show mine.

ok and here is my answer
 dear friend
 listen girlfriend its ok.
 get over it .
it is ok to have crush or two.
my sibling has some.
just remember it not your true love.
lots of people didn't marry their crushes.
this  dos not mean you cant still have a crush
your friend

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Gods wonder's

Hi  friend's it have you watched how to train your dragons 2 yet well not all of you maybe.  but it is amazingly supperlishis ( supper - lish ist).  I think it just says gods glory like in how to train your dragons 1 Hiccup  did something all the people thought was crazy and dangerous   . Ridding a dragon, Toothless  the  night fiery  but in the end everyone was ridding dragon's people did not think it was dangerous. cool right
it was awesome, to think  he could do that . people today and in the past   don't think about how little guys can do that stuff. they doubt the little  like in David and goliath  david was smaller then any one 
  yet only he could defeat him                                                                                                                    
    god  help him even though he was small. he will help  you if you just ask
by for now see you later
PS let god into your heart only then will he  be with you he love you and want's you to love him to  

Saturday, February 9, 2013

The wave of God

Hi friends, Lu here.  I haven't written in my blog for a while.  So I'll catch you up.  Miracles are happening and I am seeing things that I am trying to figure out.  A few days ago, I thought I saw a dragon with an angel or a fairy.  It looked as if they were fighting.  I saw this on my kitchen table and I have never saw that sight before.

 I think God was telling me that he will be coming for us soon.  Because it says in the bible that there will be a great war between Satan and God when he returns.  The dragon represents devil and the angels represents God's warriors. 

Speaking of angels, a few months ago, I think I saw an angel in one of the rooms of my house.  But she didn't look happy with me.  I believe it was because I rushed back out and she didn't get a chance to talk with me. 

A few days later, I believe I saw a boy messing with my cereal bowl.  As soon as I noticed him, he disappeared.  I also saw a snake in my backyard and when I looked again, it was gone. 

Anyway friends, in the book of Luke 5, of the bible,  it talks about Jesus talking to people from a boat off the shore.  He tells Simon, owner of boat, to take the boat out further in the sea to catch some fish.  Simon replies, "We have no fish all night.  But since you ask me to , I will."  He threw in the nets and tons of fish were caught.  So many that he had to ask his partners to bring their boat out as well.  Both boats were filled with fish, so many that they began to sink.  Simon cried out,  " Go Lord, I am a sinner."  Jesus replied, " Follow me, you will become fishers of men!"  Simon and his partners left their boats and followed Jesus. 

I am like Simon, I began as a human sinner.  And as I grew in faith, I began to see holy signs of Jesus.  They are asking me to follow God and to prepare for the coming battle with evil.  Simon was a sinner and as he saw the holy works of Jesus, he decided to follow him.  His situation is like mine, because we are seeing God in different ways.  He saw him in real life, I am seeing signs of his presence.  Speaking of presence, I felt him with me one night.  He calmed me and as my mom was giving me scripture on not worrying, I felt my face get hot and his holiness was causing it. 

Custer's Last Stand at the Little Big Horn -  1876
God calls us in different ways.  PS, if my visions are true, start preparing for the coming battle.  Start following God with your heart and teach others, your friends to ask forgiveness from Jesus and reading his word daily. 
~Your friend, Luna

Friday, December 28, 2012

time to cech up on my blog. i have been doing a lot.the day athter cristmas mom sied i got to have a sleep over with my best friend. i got to wack  Brave{for the people how didint wack it its the best!}
the nest day

time to do good things for god


Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Time to Spread Christmas Cheer....

Today I opened many gifts and had a lot of fun.  My message is that it is not about all the gifts.  It is really about God.  Santa's real name is Saint Nick and he gave money to the poor.  That is how Santa knows if you are good or not. 

Today I decided to sing a new song I wrote for those who I love.  The song is called: "You are my favorite!"

 I got a new bible this year and it is the best gift ever. ♥

God loved the world so much that he gave his only son.  ~John 3:16 

This verse tells us that he loves us even when we mess up.  God is our ever loving father in heaven, waiting for us to come home to him.

I want you to take time to do something nice for someone you love, spread God's love. 
He loves you!
