Saturday, February 9, 2013

The wave of God

Hi friends, Lu here.  I haven't written in my blog for a while.  So I'll catch you up.  Miracles are happening and I am seeing things that I am trying to figure out.  A few days ago, I thought I saw a dragon with an angel or a fairy.  It looked as if they were fighting.  I saw this on my kitchen table and I have never saw that sight before.

 I think God was telling me that he will be coming for us soon.  Because it says in the bible that there will be a great war between Satan and God when he returns.  The dragon represents devil and the angels represents God's warriors. 

Speaking of angels, a few months ago, I think I saw an angel in one of the rooms of my house.  But she didn't look happy with me.  I believe it was because I rushed back out and she didn't get a chance to talk with me. 

A few days later, I believe I saw a boy messing with my cereal bowl.  As soon as I noticed him, he disappeared.  I also saw a snake in my backyard and when I looked again, it was gone. 

Anyway friends, in the book of Luke 5, of the bible,  it talks about Jesus talking to people from a boat off the shore.  He tells Simon, owner of boat, to take the boat out further in the sea to catch some fish.  Simon replies, "We have no fish all night.  But since you ask me to , I will."  He threw in the nets and tons of fish were caught.  So many that he had to ask his partners to bring their boat out as well.  Both boats were filled with fish, so many that they began to sink.  Simon cried out,  " Go Lord, I am a sinner."  Jesus replied, " Follow me, you will become fishers of men!"  Simon and his partners left their boats and followed Jesus. 

I am like Simon, I began as a human sinner.  And as I grew in faith, I began to see holy signs of Jesus.  They are asking me to follow God and to prepare for the coming battle with evil.  Simon was a sinner and as he saw the holy works of Jesus, he decided to follow him.  His situation is like mine, because we are seeing God in different ways.  He saw him in real life, I am seeing signs of his presence.  Speaking of presence, I felt him with me one night.  He calmed me and as my mom was giving me scripture on not worrying, I felt my face get hot and his holiness was causing it. 

Custer's Last Stand at the Little Big Horn -  1876
God calls us in different ways.  PS, if my visions are true, start preparing for the coming battle.  Start following God with your heart and teach others, your friends to ask forgiveness from Jesus and reading his word daily. 
~Your friend, Luna

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